Life Hacking
Making Reading Books a Habit
Time to make reading a habit, start being more creative, and start shipping creative work.
Life Hacking
Time to make reading a habit, start being more creative, and start shipping creative work.
Life Hacking
A reflection on how three of my blog articles made it to the front page of Hacker News.
Learn how to monitor airplane traffic with a Raspberry Pi. Track real-time flight data using PiAware and an ADS-B dongle. Simple setup for aviation enthusiasts!
Life Hacking
Sometimes the easiest way to attain information is just by asking Why. Start with Why and unlock insightful information.
Discover how to explore the McDonald's API, learn about its uses, and understand the legal implications and security measures. Get started with tools and tips for ethical hacking.
Take a peak behind the curtain inside the Skunk Works projects. How these planes were developed have a lot similarities with modern software development.
Life Hacking
2020 is now upon us. It is up to us to start making things happen. Here's my quick recap of 2019 and looking forward to 2020 things to do.
Docker BuildKit is a little known feature now available in the latest Docker release 19.03. BuildKit enables higher performance docker builds and caching possibility to decrease build times and increase productivity for free.
Explore the latest trends in VMware, Docker, and Kubernetes and how they are shaping modern IT infrastructure. Learn about their differences, how they complement each other, and why Kubernetes is key for large-scale container orchestration.
The docker build command is a vital element in the DevOps process. Unlocking the full potential of docker build opens up new use cases and prepares us for the future Buildx.
Traefik is my top drawer tool to solve multiple use cases while not adding additional complexity. Need a Reverse Proxy, a Let's Encrypt integration, or a Docker Swarm/Kubernetes integration then Traefik is just the tool for the job.
The inaugural Säntis System Summit in Appenzell, Switzerland kicked off. The unconference was full of great people, topics, and beautiful scenery.