About Brian Christner

Brian Christner - Docker Captain, Traefik Ambassador, public speaker, teacher, and Cloud Native advocate

I originally hail from the valley of the sun Phoenix, Arizona but now reside in beautiful Switzerland. I spent a large portion of my career in the casino industry and traveled the world as a casinos systems computer engineer. I was fortunate enough to open several Las Vegas casino properties, helped open up the Macau and Singapore markets, and casinos all over Europe and the US.

Startup Nights 2022

During a hiatus from the casino industry, I began diving deep into the tech world. I discovered Docker pre-release, joined the community, started contributing, and became a passionate advocate for Docker. Later, I was nominated and completely honored to be accepted to the first batch of Docker Captains. Being part of the Docker Captains program enabled me to be where I am today and it's so important that I reciprocate my knowledge and skills back to the Open Source community.

"I'm an enabler and enabling others makes the world a better place." - Brian Christner

I'm passionate about advocating Open Source standards, cloud, and containers. When I'm not busy trying to containerize everything, I can be found riding my mountain bike or skiing in the Swiss Alps.


I'm a devoted technologist to everything Cloud, actually a Cloud junkie. I'm either testing new features, writing code, presenting Docker, Traefik, cloud, or both. You can catch me attending Swiss Docker Meetups, Cloud Native Conferences, or just about anything with Cloud or Container in the title.

I am the Chief Online Gaming for a Swiss based online casino Jackpots.ch.56K.Cloud. I also have some online courses as well like the The Complete Traefik Training Course and Become a Docker Power User with Visual Studio Code.

Top of the Alps

My Presentations

I'm very involved in various iGaming, Docker projects and communities. Have a look at some of the presentations here:

Interviews / Podcasts

Connect with Brian

Be sure to reach out and say hello via Social Media or drop me a mail.

Email Me - Email Brian
Twitter/X - @idomyowntricks
LinkedIn - https://ch.linkedin.com/in/brianchristner
Github - https://github.com/vegasbrianc