2014 in Review and Goals for 2015

Wow what a year 2014 was. It had many up's and down's but had a lot of great accomplishments and moments. I'm happy to have completed so many goals this year but I want to continue my progress in 2015. My ToDo list for 2015 is big and and quite venturesome.

2014 in Review

  • One of my goals for 2014 was moving all of my websites to Digital Ocean. This was probably the start of many other projects I undertook. I am still really happy with the performance and Digital Oceans support and features.
  • NGNIX was a huge goal for me. Not only did I convert all my websites to NGINX but also have it running as a load balanced proxy running in Docker.
  • Docker was still relatively new the beginning of last year. I wanted to learn as much as possible about the technology and build several projects with it. I not only built all my new projects with Docker but gave a couple Docker presentations as well.
  • I challenged myself to 3 Startups before Jan 5, 2015. So far I have completed 2 and the 3rd one is almost complete. I'm very happy with the challenge and will be challenging myself with more for 2015.
  • Attend more German classes. My level of German has vastly improved but still has a long way to go.
  • Fitness was a huge goal for me in 2014. Unfortunately the summer was rained out so I was not able to get on my Mountain Bike as much as I would've liked but I hit the gym frequently and I'm happy with the results.

2015 Goals

Since writing the article about building 3 startups I found it was extremly motivating to publish my goals. So here it goes again for 2015.

  • Ride the Zugerberg Classic Mountain Bike race.
  • Continue my fitness regime and start counting calories to limit myself to 2750 per day until I reach my target weight and waist size.
  • Write 3 blog posts per week
  • Learn and Master Cloud Foundry
  • Take online courses in Finance and Trading
  • Take online refresher courses in Javascript.
  • Launch more projects. As I started the 3 Startup challenge I want to conitune launching new products & services.
  • Build more projects with Docker
  • Continue improving my German. This seems to be a never ending goal

I'm already looking forward to tackle this list. I hope you make 2015 a memorable one!

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